Actividentity software

Identity Assurance Solutions -Strong.
Actividentity software
Actividentity software
ActivIdentity Software Informer: Latest.Innovative Software-Produkte speziell für Identity Management, User Provisioning, Access Management, Single Sign On, Password Synchronisation, Integration von Daten
This review applies to version 1.6. The latest version of this software will soon be reviewed by our informers. ActivClient software offers the following
HID Global offers a variety of identity assurance solutions, including strong authentication devices and software applications.
The risks of unauthorized use include theft of proprietary information, compromise of computer systems, and monetary loss due to fraud. ActivIdentity ActivClient
ActivIdentity ActivClient - Software.
Identity Assurance Solutions -Strong.

Betreuung, Konzeption. Gestaltung & Umsetzung von Ihren Projekten!
Products by ActivIdentity We use 256-bit SSL encryption for the transfer of all confidential information.
Envision Software GmbH, Beratung und Produkte für User Management ... ActivIdentity ActivClient .